Sunday, December 17, 2006

My Life 2006

Well... Freaking Dec... and I bloody hate this year's... Why? Ha... Cos it symbolises year end... One whole year that's gonna finish, and the evaluation of how much I've done for my life all these while...

Thinking back, No big things I've accomplished, yet. At least for this year, I mean. I work at Spa Esprit... get a look-in at the waxing&manicure environment, then it was Pulley Ascent... Business Development Exec, the boring office job, handling the IT solutions... And I'm not even an IT person... When I finally got a small area to do events management there, I was slacked... Through sms i got this sudden news, and juz one day after the manager said that if I'm willing we will work together for the small section of events in the company... ya... after all the talk and unpaid OT... thats really "worth it"...

So I decided that I will still try doing events, juz maybe in a better company. And opportunity came my way, through a Jennifer who I bearly know if not for a long queue at the taxi stand... She was the project manager at Sercon, an Events company. I went for the interview and got it. The first few days were great. It was a small company but the people there were all nice, except that they all were super busy. I handled some paper work and small tasks for the company. However at my 4th day, I had to be in involved in the Cannon Showcase at Fullerton Hotel. It was super hectic. The database was not updated, and the printers had problems. There was thousands of people everyday, and we only had limited staff. I dun mind the stress, the overtime or even the tireness... But I was disappointed cos I felt that I was not really learning, I was like a part timer doing odd jobs. And when back at the office and things need sorting out and a closing, I admitted that I was not at my best performance. I was so unsure of things, and i felt that I was being thrown responsibities and tasks which I was very very new to... Although I was taught, but I couldnt remember all, and I simply took a longer time.... All these were not understood, and I left after juz a week...

Thats 2006 the jobs I had.... And I simply slacked alot... waste a lot of time... to get ready...

I 'm not even sure what I'm getting ready for.. but I juz know that I'm not ready to engross myself into yet another wrong job...

After Sercon, I only work in White House, a pub... A long story, it was fun, but it closed down... Right now, it should soon be reformed in another place with another name... Ha... cant wait...

So before 2006 really ended... I juz wanna remember it as the crazy year it was... I waste a lot of time, and I went through a hell lot... met so many diff people... and went through a complicated relationship mess(more about it next time).... BUt now I'm recharged!!! and I'm gonna get all this off my heart, and soar to a better pasture... It's gonna be Hard hard hard, I know.... But I will.