Wednesday, March 07, 2007

~Music n Lyrics~

Recently I watch this movie, "Musiv n Lyrics". What a good movie... with a good ending too... :p

Well, been pretty relaxing these few days... going out, going for classes (for my insurance exam), and having my appetite back is good... haha... but feel abit bloated le...

Anyway, been meeting leong and Nun jun dear... Nun jun's on one month MC again... Haiz, actually i'm not sure if its a good thing or not... sure, he'll be there for me le... just like last time... and we dun quarrel like last time le... its been relaxing with him le... I do enjoy it lots...

Actually I still miss some of the good old times... with mclin, yuan da.... even rix... or esp rix... haha... i dunno wat I'm saying... but well, just kinda miss those days... And that's why I'm going to play ball tomorrow at woodlands le!!

Actually I sms all of them 'bout going to play ball... I'll be with 2 of my new friends... Yuling n Jess.... but they dun mind my friends joining in.... So i sms yuan da, rix n john.... In the end only yuan da reply.... Sob... I wonder why....

I wonder how Rix is feeling? haha.... he seems busy... or maybe its cos I din ask le... Dunno wat he is thinking le... maybe thinks that I got nun jun accompany ba? High chances... haha.... sometimes I feel that I know him too well... actually....

Mmm... if that's how he thinks, then its silly.... he never ask me when I free! hahaha... I might actually be free if he ask..... Sigh, so silly.... I dun like to ask guys out.... =_=

Wrote a lyrics.... no music to go with it.... post it in the next entry!

~where's the right jigsaw piece?~


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